Kegel muscles in men – how to strengthen the muscles and erection?

Added: 21-03-2019 | Update: 19-01-2022
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The condition of the Kegel muscles has an enormous influence on the sexual performance of not only a woman, but also a man. Men, however, are rarely aware of the fact that weaker erection may be associated with weaker Kegel muscles. There are simple Kegel exercises to strengthen erection, control ejaculation, and experience more intensive orgasms.

It is still falsely believed that only women have the Kegel muscles and should exercise them to prevent incontinence, to improve sexual experience, and – before giving birth – to more deliberately participate in this important event. But the truth is quite the contrary. Men also have the Kegel muscles and should exercise them if they want to improve their sexual experience. It is worthwhile to spend some time and learn your own body because well-developed male Kegel muscles strengthen and extend erection, delay ejaculation, and guarantee more intensive orgasms.

Kegel muscles – a man invented something for women

The Kegel muscles, which surround the opening of the urethra and the rectum and support the abdomen from the bottom, were brought to the attention of the public in the ‘40s and ‘50s of the 20th century by the American gynaecologist Arnold Kegel. He was inspired by old techniques used by geishas, who exercised the pelvic floor muscles to give their clients better sexual experience.

Kegel developed a set of rehabilitation exercises for patients with weak bladder after giving birth. He concluded that if patients exercise their sphincter, they will be able to avoid incontinence. At the same time, regular training will lead to more intensive experience during penetration and independent stimulation of the internal clitoris.

After some time, it turned out that the Kegel muscles are not only present in women, but also in men. The male Kegel muscles are built from striated muscle tissue and run from the tail bone to the pubic bone and surround the base of the penis.

Exercising the male Kegel muscles may bring numerous benefits – you can give your partner a better sexual experience, sexual intercourses will last longer, and you will produce more semen. The pelvic floor muscle exercises for men will also prove helpful in the prevention of incontinence and prostate diseases. Each man who urinates in not a single continuous stream, but in an intermittent flow and who notices dripping urine from urethra after urination should take interest in those exercises. The Kegel muscles should also be exercised by men having a sedentary lifestyle, those who are overweight and obese, or have undergone a prostate operation.

It is also a necessary exercise for older men.  With age, erection becomes weaker and blood is faster removed from the penis. This is caused by weaker muscle control. Instead of reaching for gadgets which help keep the blood in the penis (e.g. cock rings), it is better to take care of the condition of the male Kegel muscles. What is more, this method of improving erection is available for everyone, regardless of the size of their wallet.

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Exercising the male Kegel muscles – but which ones are they?

The key is to be systematic! The secret of well-trained Kegel muscles lies in their regular use; you can do it in your spare time, wherever you are. Just as in women, the exercises involve tightening and relaxing the muscles.

Many wonder, however, how to do male Kegel exercise. Before you start, you need to precisely locate the Kegel muscles. In oder to do it, try to tighten the muscles during urination. If you managed to stop the urine flow, it means you successfully activated the muscles of interest. You can also locate them during erection while trying to move the penis or try to feel them with your fingers.

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Kegel muscle exercises for men – examples

The male Kegel muscles may be located during urination, but you should not exercise them in such circumstances, as it may lead to an inflammation of the urinary bladder. During the Kegel muscle exercises, remember to relax the abdominal muscles and the muscles surrounding the rectum.

Breath control is also very important. Breathe the air in and tighten the Kegel muscles for 5 seconds, then breathe the air out and relax the muscles for the next 5 seconds. Repeat 10-20 times during a single session. Sometimes muscles are tightened for 10 seconds (and relaxed for 10 seconds as well). You can do 3 rounds, 10 times each, and repeat the training 4 times a day. Another method is the so-called rapid contractions, where contractions last 10 seconds, while relaxation 15 seconds.

First effects should be visible after 2-4 weeks of everyday training. 

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Kegel muscle exercises for men – gadgets

There are specially designed gadgets to help in exercising the male Kegel muscles. They include, for example, Be Balls, which work just as Geisha balls (they consist of two connected balls containing smaller balls). Men need to put the balls in their anus. The balls strengthen the Kegel muscles by stimulating their contraction and relaxation. The muscles are tightened naturally, and not rapidly.

Sex shops offer also special butt plugs for men, which provide excellent training for the Kegel muscles. The longer accessories, the stronger stimulation of the prostate. Gadgets helping to train the male Kegel muscles can be worn during:

  • walks,
  • jogging,
  • training at the gym,
  • cycling.

Remember that they should not be used too long. Three hours per day is the upper limit.

The plugs and balls are made of medical silicone which allows their proper cleaning. To apply the gadgets, it is best to use water-based lubricants.

There is no concern that the balls will go further up your anus, as this is prevented by a special flange, which, however, does not affect your everyday activities. Remember that in some people balls and plugs may lead to sexual arousal.

Kegel muscles in men – how to strengthen the muscles and erection? 

The condition of the Kegel muscles has an enormous influence on the sexual performance of not only a woman, but also a man. Men, however, are rarely aware of the fact that weaker erection may be associated with weaker Kegel muscles. There are simple Kegel exercises to strengthen erection, control ejaculation, and experience more intensive orgasms.

It is still falsely believed that only women have the Kegel muscles and should exercise them to prevent incontinence, to improve sexual experience, and – before giving birth – to more deliberately participate in this important event. But the truth is quite the contrary. Men also have the Kegel muscles and should exercise them if they want to improve their sexual experience. It is worthwhile to spend some time and learn your own body because well-developed male Kegel muscles strengthen and extend erection, delay ejaculation, and guarantee more intensive orgasms.

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Kegel muscles – a man invented something for women

The Kegel muscles, which surround the opening of the urethra and the rectum and support the abdomen from the bottom, were brought to the attention of the public in the ‘40s and ‘50s of the 20th century by the American gynaecologist Arnold Kegel. He was inspired by old techniques used by geishas, who exercised the pelvic floor muscles to give their clients better sexual experience.

Kegel developed a set of rehabilitation exercises for patients with weak bladder after giving birth. He concluded that if patients exercise their sphincter, they will be able to avoid incontinence. At the same time, regular training will lead to more intensive experience during penetration and independent stimulation of the internal clitoris.

After some time, it turned out that the Kegel muscles are not only present in women, but also in men. The male Kegel muscles are built from striated muscle tissue and run from the tail bone to the pubic bone and surround the base of the penis.

Exercising the male Kegel muscles may bring numerous benefits – you can give your partner a better sexual experience, sexual intercourses will last longer, and you will produce more semen. The pelvic floor muscle exercises for men will also prove helpful in the prevention of incontinence and prostate diseases. Each man who urinates in not a single continuous stream, but in an intermittent flow and who notices dripping urine from urethra after urination should take interest in those exercises. The Kegel muscles should also be exercised by men having a sedentary lifestyle, those who are overweight and obese, or have undergone a prostate operation.

It is also a necessary exercise for older men.  With age, erection becomes weaker and blood is faster removed from the penis. This is caused by weaker muscle control. Instead of reaching for gadgets which help keep the blood in the penis (e.g. cock rings), it is better to take care of the condition of the male Kegel muscles. What is more, this method of improving erection is available for everyone, regardless of the size of their wallet.

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Exercising the male Kegel muscles – but which ones are they?

The key is to be systematic! The secret of well-trained Kegel muscles lies in their regular use; you can do it in your spare time, wherever you are. Just as in women, the exercises involve tightening and relaxing the muscles.

Many wonder, however, how to do male Kegel exercise. Before you start, you need to precisely locate the Kegel muscles. In oder to do it, try to tighten the muscles during urination. If you managed to stop the urine flow, it means you successfully activated the muscles of interest. You can also locate them during erection while trying to move the penis or try to feel them with your fingers.

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Kegel muscle exercises for men – examples

The male Kegel muscles may be located during urination, but you should not exercise them in such circumstances, as it may lead to an inflammation of the urinary bladder. During the Kegel muscle exercises, remember to relax the abdominal muscles and the muscles surrounding the rectum.

Breath control is also very important. Breathe the air in and tighten the Kegel muscles for 5 seconds, then breathe the air out and relax the muscles for the next 5 seconds. Repeat 10-20 times during a single session. Sometimes muscles are tightened for 10 seconds (and relaxed for 10 seconds as well). You can do 3 rounds, 10 times each, and repeat the training 4 times a day. Another method is the so-called rapid contractions, where contractions last 10 seconds, while relaxation 15 seconds.

First effects should be visible after 2-4 weeks of everyday training. 

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Kegel muscle exercises for men – gadgets

There are specially designed gadgets to help in exercising the male Kegel muscles. They include, for example, Be Balls, which work just as Geisha balls (they consist of two connected balls containing smaller balls). Men need to put the balls in their anus. The balls strengthen the Kegel muscles by stimulating their contraction and relaxation. The muscles are tightened naturally, and not rapidly.

Sex shops offer also special butt plugs for men, which provide excellent training for the Kegel muscles. The longer accessories, the stronger stimulation of the prostate. Gadgets helping to train the male Kegel muscles can be worn during:

  • walks,
  • jogging,
  • training at the gym,
  • cycling.

Remember that they should not be used too long. Three hours per day is the upper limit.

The plugs and balls are made of medical silicone which allows their proper cleaning. To apply the gadgets, it is best to use water-based lubricants.

There is no concern that the balls will go further up your anus, as this is prevented by a special flange, which, however, does not affect your everyday activities. Remember that in some people balls and plugs may lead to sexual arousal.

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