Potency pills – what drugs and preparations improve erection

Added: 21-03-2019 | Update: 21-03-2019
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Over-the-counter drugs, prescription drugs, herbal or synthetic medications – we should not make that decision without first consulting a doctor.  For some, natural preparations and healthier lifestyle would suffice, for others, treatment using phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors may turn out to be necessary.

Modern potency pills may be taken by almost every man, the age is irrelevant here. Erection drugs are becoming increasingly popular, especially because the average age of men struggling with the problem drops every year. An unhealthy and sedentary lifestyle, a chronically stressful job, constant exhaustion, a bad diet, and the lack of exercise make the problem once affecting only men in andropause more and more common among young and healthy men. Impotence may even occur in twenty-years-olds if they take anabolic steroids to build their muscle mass. Doctors warn that almost half of the men struggling with erectile dysfunction are heavy smokers. 

Erectile dysfunction drugs – how do they work?

There are numerous orally-administered drugs for erection, but their mechanism of action is mainly based on stimulating the circulation system and controlling the level of substances responsible for the contraction of the blood vessels. Potency drugs improve the patency of blood vessels, which facilitates the supply of large amounts of blood to the penis during sexual arousal. This allows the penis to become larger and properly firm. Often, potency drugs not only facilitate the blood circulation in the vessels, but also accelerate the regeneration of the epithelium of the vessels. Some medications also boost the level of specific chemical elements in the brain, which in turn sends stronger signals to the penis through nerves. Upon the receipt of the signal from the brain, the nerve cells increase the production of nitric oxide and relaxes the arteries. This causes a rapid inflow of blood to the cavernous bodies, making the penis firm.

Prescription drugs for erection are phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors and include the following:

  • sildenafil (Viagra)
  • wardenafil
  • avanafil
  • tadalafil

Read more: Homemade ways to improve potency – how to get harder erection?

Erection drugs are not aphrodisiacs

Erection drugs taken as a pharmacological therapy for potency disorders do not boost the sexual drive as popular aphrodisiacs, none of such medications will cause an erection if the patient is not sexually aroused. The desire for sex stays at the same stable level.

Erection drugs neither have any influence on the parameters of the sperm, although they are good for fertility. How is that so? A better erection and a satisfactory sexual intercourse that ends with a proper ejaculation helps the couple in trying to get pregnant. However, if the quality of the sperm is insufficient or its structure is inappropriate, erection drugs will not solve the problem. 

Read more: Herbs for potency – which ones to choose?

Potency pills – are they safe for health?

Potency pills are safe and do not harm the circulatory system. This is corroborated by the results of detailed tests that such preparations must undergo before being marketed. Specialists sometimes recommend them as a prophylaxis against ischaemic heart diseases. Erection drugs do not lead to hypertension – they are sometimes used as part of therapies for primary pulmonary hypertension.

Remember that you cannot take several potency drugs at the same time. Components of different preparations may produce dangerous reactions and do more harm than good. 

Erection drugs are not addictive because they do not affect the central nervous system. However, you should take them with caution. They are not to be used in unlimited amounts. Do not take them with alcohol as it may damage your liver. What is more, strong alcoholic beverages delay ejaculation and can even make it impossible. Therefore, it is better to give up a strong drink and derive pleasure from the intimate atmosphere and the closeness of your partner.

Read more: Ginseng for potency – action, effectiveness

Potency drugs – other treatment methods

Potency can be treated not only by orally-administered drugs, but also intra-urethral preparations. The base of the penis is injected with drugs which increase the blood flow and, as a result, cause an erection (usually after 15 minutes following the injection). Instead of injections, you can use gel, which is absorbed by the urethra and produce a similar effect.

If drugs are not enough to solve the problems with erection, you can resort to mechanical methods, e.g. a penis pump. It is a vacuum device that allows the inflow and retention of blood in the penis during a sexual intercourse. Another solution are penile prostheses implanted during a surgical procedure.

Among homemade methods to improve potency, we cannot forget about the regular exercise of the pelvic floor muscles surrounding the bottom part of the bladder and the anus. The exercises improve the blood circulation during an erection.

Besides, the following may prove useful in treating erectile dysfunction:

  • supplementing deficient hormones,
  • diagnosing and treating depression,
  • diagnosing and treating such diseases as: diabetes, atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, neuroses, the urinary system diseases, neurological diseases,
  • therapy at a sexologist or a clinical psychologist if erectile dysfunction is psychogenic.

Read more: Diet for potency – what to eat to improve erection?

Over-the-counter potency pills

Pharmacies offer numerous over-the-counter potency pills, which often are simply herbs for potency. The therapy may be supported by preparations containing DHEA (a hormone that is transformed into testosterone in the body). Over-the-counter potency drugs may also contain l-arginine (it facilitates the production of nitric oxide, which positively affects the musculature of the blood vessels and improves the oxidation of tissues).

Frequent components of natural potency drugs include:

  • maca root,
  • tribulus terrestris,
  • guarana seeds,
  • ginseng,
  • sabal palm fruit,
  • royal jelly,
  • zinc,
  • selenium,
  • vitamins B6 and E.

Remember that you should not treat erection problems on your own; in order to achieve a desirable effect, you need to go to a doctor and take any erection drugs and other potency medication under their supervision. Only then can side effects be avoided and the problem effectively dealt with.

Read more: Alcohol and potency – does alcohol affect erection?

Source: Healthline, http://www.healthline.com/health/erectile-dysfunction/ed-pills#HormoneTherapy3, Medicine Health, http://www.emedicinehealth.com/erectile_dysfunction_faqs/page6_em.htm



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