Vitamins for men – which ones to improve fertility?

Added: 21-03-2019 | Update: 21-03-2019
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It is not enough to take a pill to take care of your fertility. You should, most of all, reach for vitamins for men that improve their sexual life. The only key to health and fertility is a healthy and well-balanced diet.

An unhealthy lifestyle, an unvaried diet poor in vegetables and fruit, bad habits, the lack of exercise or too intensive physical strain, type of work performed, chronic stress and exhaustion, smoking and excessive consumption of alcohol and other drugs – it all makes the male body deficient in crucial vitamins that are necessary for the proper function of the body and satisfactory sexual life.

Vitamin requirement for men may change depending on age and the general health condition. It is different than in women, therefore partners should not take the same vitamins in similar doses.

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The best vitamins for men

The effect of vitamins and minerals for health is often ignored by men, which is wrong because vitamins play a key role in the processes responsible for a proper erection and fertility. It turns out that zinc deficiency reduces testosterone and decreases the viability of the sperm. Men who go to a doctor for fertility problems often are deficient in vitamin C, coenzyme Q10, or folates. Dietary supplements for potency also very often contain vitamins that dilate the blood vessels and improve the blood supply to the entire body, including the penile cavernous bodies. Vitamin E also affects the sexual drive, it facilitates the production of semen in men; that is why, it is called a vitamin of fertility.

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Vitamins for men – B-group vitamins

Out of all B-group vitamins, particularly beneficial for men are vitamin B1 (called thamine), vitamin B2 (called riboflavin) and vitamin B3 (called niacin).

Thiamine is responsible for stimulating the production of sex hormones, therefore its deficiency leads to infertility and abnormal function of the testicles. The appropriate level of riboflavin is necessary for the correct transmission of nerve impulses responsible for erection.  Meanwhile, niacin takes care of the good condition of the blood vessels and the proper function of the nervous system. Where can we find those important and healthy vitamins for men?

They are most abundant in the following products:

  • vitamin B1 (wholegrain products, asparagus, pea, bean, nuts, fish, liver, pork),
  • vitamin B2 (lean dairy, milk, liver, almonds, broccoli, bananas, wholegrain products),
  • vitamin B3 (nuts, wholegrain products, fish, lean meat, and dairy).

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Pregnancy vitamins – vitamin E

Some argue that vitamin E can do miracles. This is, obviously, an exaggeration, but it is true that vitamin E plays a crucial role in keeping our cells young and eliminating free radicals responsible for the aging of the body and many diseases. This vitamin also facilitates the absorption of other valuable substances, such as vitamin A, B-group vitamins, vitamin C, selenium, phosphorus, and unsaturated fatty acids. According to the Food and Nutrition Institute, the recommended daily intake of vitamin E depends on the age and sex. For men, it is 10 mg, while for the elderly after the age of 75 – 20-50 mg.

A natural source of this vitamin are vegetables, plant oils, legumes, wholegrain products, eggs, butter. The following products contain the most vitamin E per 100 grams:

  • hazelnut: 38 mg
  • sunflower seeds: 27 mg
  • pumpkin seeds: 26 mg
  • almonds: 24 mg

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Vitamins for men to improve fertility – vitamin C

Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant, it destroys free radicals and prevents the oxidation of cells. It turns out that a low level of this vitamin may lead to male infertility because its deficiency has a negative influence on the sperm’s genetic material, leading to its DNA damage.

Vitamin C deficiencies are quite common because it takes certain knowledge to use it properly. As it is soluble in water, vitamin C is very easily lost during cooking. Processing, especially thermal treatment, is generally not very good for vitamin C. Products lose vitamin C not only when they are cooked, but also stored too long or overly ground (puree, cocktails, pulps). 

The following fresh products contain the most vitamin C per 100 g:

  • parsley top: 269 mg 
  • pepper: 125-200 mg 
  • Brussels sprout: 65-145 mg 
  • kohlrabi: 70-100 mg 
  • broccoli: 65-150 mg 
  • cabbage: 35-70 mg
  • cauliflower: 37-70 mg
  • spinach: 40-84 mg
  • chicory: 6-33 mg
  • green bean: 25-30 mg
  • radish: 25 mg
  • salad: 12-30 mg
  • tomatoes: 5-33 mg
  • carrot: 2 mg
  • beetroots: 8 mg
  • young potatoes: 20-33 mg
  • winter potatoes: 7-8 mg
  • rose hip: 250-800 mg
  • black currant: 150-300 mg
  • strawberries: 46-90 mg
  • kiwi: 84 mg
  • grapefruit: 30-70 mg
  • lemon: 40-60 mg
  • orange: 30-50 mg
  • red currant: 26-63 mg
  • gooseberry: 25-40 mg
  • raspberries: 19-37 mg
  • apples: 0.5-20 mg
  • pears: 4 mg
  • plums: 5 mg
  • bananas: 7-14 mg
  • walnuts: 3 mg

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Vitamins and minerals for good potency

A vitamin complex for men should also include other ingredients good for potency. A special role can be ascribed to an amino acid called l-arginine, which improves the sperm motility. Additionally, nitric oxide created during the metabolism of arginine is beneficial for the function of the circulatory system and the contractility of the blood vessels, thus improving erection. 

Another ingredient to be included in a vitamin complex for men is zinc and selenium. The former is necessary to maintain the sexual performance of each man, the latter participates in the process of the production and maturation of the sperm. A vitamin complex for men can also benefit from folic acid, iron, copper, magnesium, L-Taurine, and L-Glutathione. Preparations containing ginseng and ginger extract will also prove useful in treating male potency disorders. 

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Vitamins for men after the age of 50

It would be ideal if all the vitamins and minerals were supplied with food. It is only after the age of 45 that supplementation with ready complexes of vitamins and minerals for men is recommended. You can also reach for synthetic vitamins if you are exposed to extreme stress, you are undergoing recovery, or you are subject to very intensive physical strain. Remember that, before choosing a certain preparation, you should always carefully check its composition. Ready-to-use, well-balanced complexes are better than taking single vitamins separately.

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