Chlamydia - Chlamydia treatment

Chlamydia is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. It is a difficult disease to detect, very often it is asymptomatic, and therefore it can be easily infected. Untreated or latent Chlamydia can result in serious complications. If you notice potential symptoms of Chlamydia or suspect that your partner may have infected you with it - be sure to consult a specialist and additionally perform a Chlamydia test available at any pharmacy.

Chlamydia symptoms

  • Burning when urinating
  • Mucopurulent discharge from the vagina, rectum or urethra
  • Pain during sex
  • Pain in the lower abdomen, joint pain, inflammation around the rectum

Start a consultation

How does the Chlamydia e-prescription work?

Show previous symptom
  • Fill out the form
  • The doctor will make a decision based on your answers
  • If there are no contraindications, you will receive an e-prescription in 10 minutes via SMS

*Konsultacje medyczne udzielane pacjentom ubezpieczonym w ramach NFZ, z aktywną deklaracją POZ Dimedic

Chlamydia - questions and answers

  • What is Chlamydia?

      Chlamydia is a disease caused by the bacteria Chlamydia. The most common and well-known is Chlamydia trachomatis, which is sexually transmitted and can cause cervicitis in women and urethritis in both sexes.
  • Chlamydia - what are the types?

      Chlamydophila pneumoniae - airborne and can cause pneumonia
      Chlamydia trachomatis – sexually transmitted and can cause genital disease and inflammation
      Chlamydia psittaci – transmitted by birds and treated as a zoonotic disease.
  • Chlamydia treatment - how is it done?

      Chlamydia is treated with antibiotics. Chlamydia trachomatis requires oral administration of azithromycin, doxycycline, erythromycin or ofloxacin. For pregnant women, the treatment for chlamydia is erythromycin or amoxicillin.
  • Chlamydia natural treatment - is it possible?

      The only effective method of treatment is the administration of an appropriate antibiotic.
  • What does chlamydia look like?

      Chlamydia has skin symptoms similar to psoriasis. These are visible papulopustular lesions in the affected area.
  • How long does chlamydia treatment take?

      Chlamydia trachomatis treatment – from 7 days. Treatment of Chlamydia pneumoniae is a period of about 4 weeks.
  • Chlamydia Infection - How Can You Get Infected?

      Chlamydia in both women and men can occur after sexual contact with an infected person. Chlamydia infection can occur after vaginal, oral and anal intercourse, when sexual contact occurs without the use of a condom.
  • Can you get chlamydia from the toilet?

      Chlamydia infection in the toilet is practically impossible. This is due to the fact that Chlamydia dies very quickly when it is outside the body in which it lives.
  • Chlamydia treatment - is it possible to have intercourse?

      Sexual contact should be avoided for two weeks after starting therapy.
  • What tests for Chlamydia should be done?

      Many people ask themselves - It's probably Chlamydia, what tests should be done? There are several research methods. The first is to take a swab from the vagina, cervix and urethra to be tested in a laboratory. The second most frequently performed test is the detection of IgA, IgM and IgG anti-Chlamydia antibodies in the blood. Chlamydia is detected by urine, blood and swab tests.
  • Chlamydia test - can it be done at home?

      Chlamydia tests can be purchased at a pharmacy. It serves self-control and is over 80% effective. Chlamydia test test is a great way to then use the help of a specialist who will issue a prescription for drugs fighting Chlamydia infection during teleconsultation.
  • Chlamydia - which doctor?

      Chlamydia diagnostics – it is worth choosing a venereologist, gynecologist or urologist for diagnosis and treatment. When we get Chlamydia, medications can also be prescribed by a doctor during an online teleconsultation at
  • Chlamydia trachomatis untreated symptoms - what are the consequences of untreated disease?

      Untreated Chlamydia can lead to, among others, the appearance of cysts and erosions of the cervix, inflammation of the fallopian tubes, perihepatic inflammation, pelvic inflammatory disease.