Doctor online
With you when you are sick
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Talk to your doctor today
Online doctor will consult infection, earache, stomach indispositions. Here you will get "on the spot" diagnosis, e-prescription, recommendations. Check dates

Get an e-prescription
Need a prescription for a drug you know and use? Fill out the form, speak to our doctor and get help. Also abroad. Enter drug

Extend contraception
You have been using contraception for min. 3 months? Do you only go to the gynecologist for a prescription? online consultation

Morning-after pill
Prevent unwanted pregnancy after unprotected sex. Complete the questionnaire and speak with our doctor. More about emergency contraception

Skin diseases, intimate infections
Do you suspect fungi, bacteria, venereal disease? Choose a comfortable form of contact with dermatologist (video consultation, teleconsultation).

Mental health, allergies, diet and more
Don't wait in line to see a specialist. Online medical consultation will help you. Short deadlines. Comfortable form. Go to online visit