Herbs for potency – which ones to choose? 

Added: 21-03-2019 | Update: 21-03-2019
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Herbs for potency may prove useful in treating men who sometimes struggle with problems in their sexual life which do not result from serious systemic diseases. With the approval of a doctor, herbal potency tablets may supplement a traditional erectile dysfunction therapy.

Herbs have been used in natural medicine to improve sexual performance and fertility for centuries. In many cultures, herbs are still popular aphrodisiacs. However, only few herbal preparations have been subject to serious scientific studies confirming their effectiveness. Therefore, herbs for male potency may be used as a supplementation of sexual disorder therapies. Before we reach for herbs, it is worth asking our doctor about their opinion because “herbal” does not necessarily mean “safe”. Some preparations may have a negative influence on our body. What herbs for potency are worth considering?

Herbs for men’s potency – ginseng

In 1997, scientists discovered that ginseng boosts the synthesis of nitric oxide, which is necessary in the erection process – it facilitates the relaxation of the blood vessels in the cavernous bodies of the penis, increasing the blood supply to the penis. The most valuable potency-boosting substances present in the plant are ginsenosides.

Read also: Natural aphrodisiacs for men

Herbs for men’s potency – MACA

Maca is a plant that was already used two thousand years ago by indigenous people of Peru to improve fertility. It grows in the high Andes and no other plant in the world is cultivated at so high an altitude as maca. It is rich in group-B (thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin), vitamin C, amino acids, zinc, selenium, iron, manganese, copper, and other nutrients. Thanks to its composition, including natural arginine, maca reportedly can:

  • increase the sperm count in an ejaculation, even by 80–90%,
  • increase the sperm motility,
  • boost libido,
  • reduce erectile dysfunction,
  • keep prostate in good condition,
  • increase the physical strength of the body,
  • regulate the hormonal system,
  • slow down the aging processes,
  • reduce the symptoms of depression,
  • improve the mood and vitality.

Herbs for men’s potency – sabal palm

Sabal palm was already used for treating urination disorders in men in the 15th century B.C. in Egypt, while indigenous people of Florida used it to treat the prostate, testicular oedema, and testicular atrophy, as well as erectile dysfunction. According to natural medicine, sabal palm has strong potency-stimulating properties because it increases the blood testosterone level. Sabal palm may help to reduce bad cholesterol and supports the circulatory system. Sabal palm fruit preparations also bring benefits in:

  • rheumatism,
  • gout,
  • inflammations,
  • autoimmune diseases (psoriasis, urticaria, pemphigus, atopic dermatitis),
  • hormonal acne,
  • reproductive organ disorders,
  • migraines.

Sabal palm owes its amazing properties to chemical components it contains, in particular: triglycerides, phytosterols, fatty acids and their ethyl esters, and biologically active monoacylglycerides positively affecting the prostate cells.

Read also: Vitamins for men – which ones to improve fertility?

Herbs for men’s potency – damiana

This exotic plant was already used by the ancient Maya. Today, it is used in natural medicine to treat impotence and infertility. Damiana increases the blood supply to the reproductive organs and regulates the hormonal system, which draws attention of men with erectile dysfunction and the sexual drive disorders. Additionally, damiana has antidepressant and relaxing effects, it reduces anxiety and supports the function of the nervous system.

Herbs for men’s potency – ginkgo

The Chinese plant called ginkgo biloba is rich in flavonoids, which boost the sexual drive.  A ginkgo extract improves the availability of nitric oxide, intensifies the blood supply to the reproductive organs and allows relaxing the vessels of the smooth muscles, which increases the chance of a faster erection.

Read also: Viagra – how and how long does potency drugs work?

Herbs for men’s potency – liquorice

Liquorice contains many vitamins (E, group-B vitamins), minerals, biotin, and lecithin. The substances have beneficial effects on the metabolic processes. Liquorice can also reduce stress and neuroses, which helps to boost the desire for sex.

Herbs for men’s potency – Yohimbe

Yohimbe is an African tree, the bark of which is used to produce natural erectile dysfunction preparations. Bark extracts are rich in the alkaloid called yohimbine, which is a prescription drug used for treating erectile dysfunction. Yohimbine is particularly useful for treating erectile dysfunction of mental origin. The preparations, however, need to be used carefully, as they may induce numerous side effects, such as:

  • higher arterial hypertension,
  • faster heartbeat,
  • flushing,
  • dizziness,
  • kidney disorders. 

Read also: Problems with erection at a young age – what to do?

Herbal tablets for potency – when to start natural treatment?

Herbs for potency may prove effective if sexual problems occur sporadically, result from exhaustion or boredom of the current intimate life, or are caused by different – mental – factors.

However, do not expect spectacular effects if erectile dysfunction or low libido stem from serious systemic diseases or the problems persist for more than six months. Then, you should turn to proven medications. Natural cures and treatments for ED don’t always work successfully.

With the approval of your doctor, you can possibly supplement the traditional pharmacological treatment with herbal potency tablets. However, the lack of explicit clinical evidence in most cases of herbal potency tablets prevent them from being used as compounded medicinal products. Therefore, it is mainly natural medicine that makes a good use of them.

Herbs for potency – which ones to choose? 

Herbs for potency may prove useful in treating men who sometimes struggle with problems in their sexual life which do not result from serious systemic diseases. With the approval of a doctor, herbal potency tablets may supplement a traditional erectile dysfunction therapy.

Herbs have been used in natural medicine to improve sexual performance and fertility for centuries. In many cultures, herbs are still popular aphrodisiacs. However, only few herbal preparations have been subject to serious scientific studies confirming their effectiveness. Therefore, herbs for male potency may be used as a supplementation of sexual disorder therapies. Before we reach for herbs, it is worth asking our doctor about their opinion because “herbal” does not necessarily mean “safe”. Some preparations may have a negative influence on our body. What herbs for potency are worth considering?

Read also: Problems with erection – what causes erectile dysfunction?

Herbs for men’s potency – ginseng

In 1997, scientists discovered that ginseng boosts the synthesis of nitric oxide, which is necessary in the erection process – it facilitates the relaxation of the blood vessels in the cavernous bodies of the penis, increasing the blood supply to the penis. The most valuable potency-boosting substances present in the plant are ginsenosides.

Herbs for men’s potency – MACA

Maca is a plant that was already used two thousand years ago by indigenous people of Peru to improve fertility. It grows in the high Andes and no other plant in the world is cultivated at so high an altitude as maca. It is rich in group-B (thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin), vitamin C, amino acids, zinc, selenium, iron, manganese, copper, and other nutrients. Thanks to its composition, including natural arginine, maca reportedly can:

  • increase the sperm count in an ejaculation, even by 80–90%,
  • increase the sperm motility,
  • boost libido,
  • reduce erectile dysfunction,
  • keep prostate in good condition,
  • increase the physical strength of the body,
  • regulate the hormonal system,
  • slow down the aging processes,
  • reduce the symptoms of depression,
  • improve the mood and vitality.

Read also: Potency pills – what drugs and preparations improve erection

Herbs for men’s potency – sabal palm

Sabal palm was already used for treating urination disorders in men in the 15th century B.C. in Egypt, while indigenous people of Florida used it to treat the prostate, testicular oedema, and testicular atrophy, as well as erectile dysfunction. According to natural medicine, sabal palm has strong potency-stimulating properties because it increases the blood testosterone level. Sabal palm may help to reduce bad cholesterol and supports the circulatory system. Sabal palm fruit preparations also bring benefits in:

  • rheumatism,
  • gout,
  • inflammations,
  • autoimmune diseases (psoriasis, urticaria, pemphigus, atopic dermatitis),
  • hormonal acne,
  • reproductive organ disorders,
  • migraines.

Sabal palm owes its amazing properties to chemical components it contains, in particular: triglycerides, phytosterols, fatty acids and their ethyl esters, and biologically active monoacylglycerides positively affecting the prostate cells.

Herbs for men’s potency – damiana

This exotic plant was already used by the ancient Maya. Today, it is used in natural medicine to treat impotence and infertility. Damiana increases the blood supply to the reproductive organs and regulates the hormonal system, which draws attention of men with erectile dysfunction and the sexual drive disorders. Additionally, damiana has antidepressant and relaxing effects, it reduces anxiety and supports the function of the nervous system.

Read also: Premature ejaculation – the most common sexual problem in men?

Herbs for men’s potency – ginkgo

The Chinese plant called ginkgo biloba is rich in flavonoids, which boost the sexual drive.  A ginkgo extract improves the availability of nitric oxide, intensifies the blood supply to the reproductive organs and allows relaxing the vessels of the smooth muscles, which increases the chance of a faster erection.

Herbs for men’s potency – liquorice

Liquorice contains many vitamins (E, group-B vitamins), minerals, biotin, and lecithin. The substances have beneficial effects on the metabolic processes. Liquorice can also reduce stress and neuroses, which helps to boost the desire for sex.

Read also: Methods and drugs to treat erectile dysfunction

Herbs for men’s potency – Yohimbe

Yohimbe is an African tree, the bark of which is used to produce natural erectile dysfunction preparations. Bark extracts are rich in the alkaloid called yohimbine, which is a prescription drug used for treating erectile dysfunction. Yohimbine is particularly useful for treating erectile dysfunction of mental origin. The preparations, however, need to be used carefully, as they may induce numerous side effects, such as:

  • higher arterial hypertension,
  • faster heartbeat,
  • flushing,
  • dizziness,
  • kidney disorders,

Herbal tablets for potency – when to start natural treatment?

Herbs for potency may prove effective if sexual problems occur sporadically, result from exhaustion or boredom of the current intimate life, or are caused by different – mental – factors.

However, do not expect spectacular effects if erectile dysfunction or low libido stem from serious systemic diseases or the problems persist for more than six months. Then, you should turn to proven medications. Natural cures and treatments for ED don’t always work successfully.

With the approval of your doctor, you can possibly supplement the traditional pharmacological treatment with herbal potency tablets. However, the lack of explicit clinical evidence in most cases of herbal potency tablets prevent them from being used as compounded medicinal products. Therefore, it is mainly natural medicine that makes a good use of them.

Read also: Men’s health doctor – who to see for erectile dysfunction?

The content of the “Health Knowledge” section at dimedic.eu are provided for information and education only and cannot be used as a substitute of going to a doctor or other specialist. The publisher shall not be liable if the advice and information published on the website are used without consulting a specialist.