Impotence – treatment, causes, and symptoms of male impotence

Added: 21-03-2019 | Update: 21-03-2019
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Stress, lack of rest, and non-hygienic lifestyle make the sexual condition of men increasingly worse. Age-related diseases additionally contribute to the problem, as they affect an erection. For many men, impotence is like a sentence, but there are more and more treatment methods for erectile dysfunction. Therefore, it is not worth hiding the problems because untreated impotence may lead to a relationship breakdown and reduce your self-esteem.

Impotence, ED – symptoms

We deal with impotence when a man wants to, but cannot achieve and maintain an erection that would allow him to have a sexual intercourse. In the past, we more often talked about impotence, now we refer to it as erectile dysfunction (ED).

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Impotence, ED – causes

We can distinguish several causes of impotence; the condition may stem from various diseases, injuries, mental disorders, or hormonal changes. Physicians mostly diagnose patients with:

  • circulation-related impotency, which occurs in patients with a history of a heart attack or a stroke, with atherosclerotic changes, suffering from hypertension and vascular disorders. As a result of those conditions, the cavernous bodies of the penis are not sufficiently supplied with blood to achieve an erection;
  • psychogenic impotence, which mostly occur in young men; the condition is associated with stress and sexual restraints;
  • neurogenic impotence, where erection is inhibited by injuries or conditions of the spine, in which the erection centre is located, as well as neurological diseases, such as diabetic neuropathy, epilepsy, or multiple sclerosis;
  •  hormone-related impotence, where hormones inhibit the full sexual performance. It happens, for example, during andropause or hypogonadism;
  • mixed impotence, where no single cause of the condition can be determined (for example in diabetes). 

Impotence may also develop as a result of injuries or surgeries, e.g. after urological operations.  

Read also: Problems with erection – what causes erectile dysfunction?

Alcohol and impotence

Sexual performance is also adversely affected by bad habits: alcohol, smoking, and narcotics. Impotence may also be induced by some drugs, including:

  • hypertension drugs,
  • antidepressants,
  • hormonal preparations,
  • drugs for epilepsy and Parkinson’s disease,
  • drugs used for treating prostate cancer,
  • drugs for incontinence,
  • anabolic steroids.

Lifestyle plays a key role in maintaining proper sexual performance. The risk of impotence increases when a man has an unhealthy lifestyle, has no regular physical exercise, is obese, and his diet is rich in fat and poor in vitamins and microelements.

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Impotence and ED treatment

Many patients ask themselves the question: Is impotence curable? First of all, a man having troubles with his erection should take care of the quality of his life. He needs to lose unnecessary weight and start to exercise, properly relax, and eat healthy. He also needs to give up bad habits. It is also worth reaching for natural preparations to boost sexual performance, containing:

  • ginseng,
  • maca herb,
  • Brazilian juniper berries,
  • sabal palm extract,
  • damiana extract,
  • nettle leaf,
  • ginkgo,
  • pumpkin seeds,
  • nuts.

When impotence has psychogenic background, it is worth starting an individual or couple therapy, or trying a hypnosis session. But if natural methods are not effective, you need to ask a doctor for ed mediciations. Treatment may rely on orally-administered medicine or injections of drugs into the cavernous bodies of the penis or the urethra. You can also use external vacuum device consisting of a cylinder creating negative pressure around the penis. This facilitates blood supply into the penis, while a special pressure ring allows keeping it inside. For half an hour the penis is fully functional and can fulfil its sexual purpose. 

Sometimes a penile surgery is necessary, especially if erection problems are caused by phimosis or a curved penis. 

Read also: Problems with erection at a young age – what to do?

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