What to do to make period end sooner? How to stop it?

Added: 14-08-2019 | Update: 16-08-2019
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Are there any methods to stop menstruation sooner? Despite medical advancements, no such pills have been invented yet. This does not mean, however, that women are doomed to suffer the unpleasant symptoms of menstrual bleeding. See how it can be done.

What to do to make period end sooner? – this question bothers many women. For many, menstrual bleeding constitutes an enormous nuisance, especially when it lasts a whole week, and the bleeding is heavy. Theoretically, in the normal, regular menstrual cycle, period lasts 3-6 days, during which the woman loses from 20 to 100 millilitres of blood (on average, however, it is 50 millilitres). Sometimes, period is so heavy that the woman uses more than 10 sanitary pads and the change of a sanitary pad or a tampon is necessary every 2-3 hours.

Some women experience additional uncomfortable symptoms during menstrual bleeding, such as backache or stomachache. It sometimes happens that the strong pain requires a sick note and spending these difficult days at home. The pain, which results from the excessive release of a hormone causing the uterine cramps and an excessive level of oestrogens relative to progesterone, usually persists for 48 hours.  During that time, headaches in persons suffering from migraines may exacerbate.

All this pushes many women to seek ways to make period end faster. Is it at all possible? Unfortunately, there are no proven ways to end menstrual bleeding sooner. Bleeding comes as a consequence of the lining of the uterus being shed when the egg cell is not fertilized. One cannot affect how heavy the bleeding is or when the bleeding ends.

Check: Making period come faster – methods, pills, lutein, herbs

What to do to make period end sooner? You cannot do anything, but…

Instead of looking for an answer to the question “What to do to make period go away faster” and follow common beliefs, with no medical justification, that vitamin C, Rutinoscorbin, hot baths, and black hollyhock infusions can help, it is worth learning proven methods to postpone your period.

You will find them especially useful when you anticipate that an important day, e.g. wedding, business trip, or holiday, will coincide with your period. It is worth considering such a solution in advance, as it is possible to shift your period in time with hormonal contraceptive pills, which are on prescription only. Previously, the patient needs to undergo a range of tests to rule out possible contraindications.

Check: How to shift period in time – pills and homemade methods

How to delay your period? “Pack to pack” method

The situation is the easiest when a woman uses hormonal contraceptive pills. If she takes pills according to the scheme – 21 days of treatment, 7 days of break – it is enough to begin taking the next package right after finishing the previous one. This way a woman can safely postpone menstruation for three months. According to American studies, such an action has no negative impact on the woman’s health, the regularity of her cycles, or her fertility. What is more, a certain British woman took contraceptive pills for 9 years without any breaks, which completely freed her from menstrual bleeding. She did not notice any negative effects of such actions.

The “pack to pack” method is used based on the same principle if contraceptive hormonal patches are used instead of pills.

See also: How to delay period – pills, homemade methods, drugs

How to delay your period? Long-term contraception

For some time already, Polish drugstores have had hormonal contraception drugs that are taken without interruption for 91 days on offer. They are popular in the United States. With these drugs, instead of twelve periods in a year, a woman can have only four. Each package consists of 84 pink tablets containing:

  • a small amount of the two female hormones: levonorgestrel and ethinylestradiol

  • 7 white tablets containing a small amount of the female hormone – ethinylestradiol.

Menstrual bleeding, which occurs while taking the 7 white tablets, will last probably three days. Remember that at the beginning of using the drug, unplanned bleedings might occur.

Tablets to postpone menstruation are available on prescription only, as not every woman can use them. Contraindications include:

  • blood clots (thrombosis) forming in the vessels of the lower limbs,

  • lungs (pulmonary embolus) or other organs,

  • heart failure or stroke,

  • coronary heart disease,

  • diabetes,

  • arterial hypertension,

  • high blood lipid levels,

  • blood clotting disorders,

  • migraines (with the so-called focal neurological signs),

  • pancreatitis,

  • liver disease,

  • liver tumour,

  • breast or genital cancer,

  • unexplained vaginal bleeding,

  • using herbal products containing St John’s wort.

When menstruation is reduced to just four incidents in a year, you need to be ready for certain harmless, although annoying undesirable effects, such as nausea, headaches, or breast pain. It might turn out that the bleeding occurs in the least expected moment.

Our grandmothers did not have to wonder what to do to make period go away faster. They just had their periods much more rarely than modern women. Our ancestors had just around 100 periods throughout their lives, we have four times more. Where does the difference come from? Physicians are of the opinion that evolution programmed the female body to be either pregnant or breastfeeding. Hundreds of years ago, women became pregnant right after reaching the age of sexual maturity, this happened multiple times in a row, which extended the period without menstrual bleedings. Modern woman usually has one or two children and for the majority of her adult life, she has to struggle with monthly bleeding.

Check article:

Late period – pills, methods, vitamin C, drug

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