The problem of premature ejaculation – how to prolong sexual intercourse?

Added: 14-08-2019 | Update: 16-08-2019
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Many couples struggle with the problem of premature ejaculation. Men often choose wrong treatment methods for this condition, which yield scant results. How to deal with premature ejaculation in a simple way?

What is premature ejaculation?

This condition is usually very embarrassing for men and can make a couple’s sexual life miserable on the long term. Statistical data show that the problem of premature ejaculation can affect even every third male in the country. Increasingly more often, not only young people who have just recently had their sexual initiation struggle with the issue.

According to the medical definition, premature ejaculation can be described as an inability to withstand sexual tension for more than 2 minutes from the start of sexual intercourse until ejaculation. In reality, however, this is not about keeping fixed time frames, but about pleasure derived by both partners, not only one of them.

See also: Drugs and tablets for premature ejaculation

What are the causes of premature ejaculation?

It is very hard to distinguish one dominating cause of this condition. In adolescent boys, it usually stems from raging hormones. Premature ejaculation in adult men is usually associated with various health problems. They include:

  • arterial hypertension,

  • various prostate conditions, especially prostatitis,

  • hyperthyroidism,

  • diabetes.

It is, however, rarely brought up that the problem can also be caused by excessively frequent masturbation or sexual encounters. Psyche also plays a crucial role (as psyche is actually the most important factor responsible for orgasms) and such factors as stress associated with the humiliation of premature ejaculation and resulting insecurity are also important.

What to do if your partner has premature ejaculation?

There are numerous ways to deal with the problem. Interestingly enough, rarely are pharmacological methods used. The medical community agrees that mind has a pivotal impact on premature ejaculation.

One of the most frequent methods is trying to keep “naughty” thoughts off one’s mind during sexual intercourse and using special preparations aimed at desensitizing the penis temporarily. Both methods are, however, not only ineffective, but also very unpractical because how can you think of unpaid bills, etc. while having intimate moments with someone? On the other hand, a penis that is insensitive to a woman’s touch can lower her libido.

The APE (Anti-Premature Ejaculation) method, however, is becoming increasingly more popular. It involves exercises for a man as well as for both partners. The set of exercises is usually personalized, but many indications can be used universally. Only 30 minutes of training a day is enough to see the first positive effects in a short time. 

See also: Methods to treat premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation? You can solve it together!

A partner’s understanding and involvement plays an enormous role in fighting the problem – you have to support and help your man get rid of the condition. Your attitude should make your partner realize that you support him and together you will soon enjoy great sex life again.

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