What can be recommended for premature ejaculation?

Added: 14-08-2019 | Update: 01-06-2022
capsule E-prescription internal Family doctor specialist Specialist

Before you start pharmacological treatment of premature ejaculation, make sure it is not caused by any disease, such as prostatitis. When you rule out a disease, try exercises and natural techniques to delay ejaculation. Also, do not be afraid to take drugs prescribed by a doctor.


Common problem

Premature ejaculation – know the causes

How to delay ejaculation – natural techniques

Premature ejaculation – treatment


Common problem

Premature ejaculation does not only affect adolescents – it is estimated that the problem can concern 20%, or even 30% of males. It is indeed the most frequent sexual function disorder in men under the age of 60. If you too suffer from this problem, do not be afraid to seek help. All the more that there are several effective methods to delay ejaculation.

See also: Premature ejaculation – drugs. When to start taking them?

Premature ejaculation – know the causes

Physicians argue that premature ejaculation can be partially linked to psyche or health condition. Before you reach for any drug intended for delaying ejaculation, make sure that your problem does not stem from any disease. In order to establish that, you should see a specialist – a sexologist or a urologist. If premature ejaculation is caused by some disease, the problem will go away when the disease is cured. Consultation with a doctor is always a good idea – a specialist will indicate the best ways to deal with premature ejaculation, which will prove effective in your case. Sometimes, using pharmacological measures is necessary, other times psychotherapy comes to the rescue. However, avoid using any drugs on your own – especially those sold over the Internet, from dubious sources – they can do more harm than good. 

How to delay ejaculation – natural techniques

There are several good methods to delay ejaculation. The first one involves performing slow, sensual movements during sexual intercourse in order to maintain the level of arousal below the ejaculation threshold, keeping an erection at the same time. Calm and deep breaths are also very important in this technique. This way, you will learn to modulate and reduce the arousal level, which can be critical for treating premature ejaculation. Another method involved raising hips and withdrawing the penis from the vagina when you feel incoming ejaculation. Withhold this position for several seconds. Instead of paying attention to your pleasure, focus on your partner and satisfying her. The third method can turn out to be a little uncomfortable, but it happens to be effective: it involves pressing the area between the scrotum and the anus with the index and the middle finger – do it for 3-4 minutes – it works.

See also: Premature ejaculation – causes and methods to deal with the problem

Premature ejaculation – treatment

After a medical interview, a doctor can recommend pharmacological treatment. Drugs are sold in the form of creams and aerosols containing lidocaine or prilocaine – these are desensitizing preparations, which reduce the sensitivity of the penis skin and thus prevent premature ejaculation. This type of therapy has many advantages – most of all, it works fast and can be used on demand. If you decide to use it, remember to follow the drug manufacturer’s instructions – e.g. about the necessity to remove the preparation after a specific time. The doctor can also recommend treating premature ejaculation by taking oral drugs affecting the central and peripheral mechanisms of ejaculation control. Following recommendations and using the above-described behavioural techniques will help you deal with the uncomfortable problem.

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