Premature ejaculation – treatment and advice at the sexologist’s

Added: 14-08-2019 | Update: 16-08-2019
Author: Piotr Brzózka
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It is worth treating premature ejaculation. Meanwhile, many men struggling with the problem do not choose to see a doctor. Their mental state, sex life, and relationship suffer. How to overcome the embarrassment and start treating premature ejaculation? What doctor to see? What help can be received? Why could it be a good choice to seek advice at an online clinic?

Embarrassing premature ejaculation

This disorder, in which ejaculation occurs after several seconds of sexual intercourse, is the cause of considerable decline in sex life satisfaction for many couples; it often leads to emotional and mental disorders and interpersonal conflicts.

Modern medicine and pharmacology as well as psychology offer a multitude of paths towards the effective treatment of premature ejaculation. Sexologists always emphasize that no man is doomed to suffer from premature ejaculation forever, and deciding on treatment is nothing to be ashamed of, on the contrary – it takes courage. Potential effects, on the other hand, are bound to make the sexual partner very happy.

Despite that, no more than 10 percent of men struggling with the problem of premature ejaculation decides to treat it. For the remaining 90 percent, it is worth motivating them to overcome their embarrassment and turn to a specialist for help.

Sexologist, psychologists, physiotherapist – who to see?

When it comes to premature ejaculation, the first steps should be to see a sexologist who has proper qualifications to find the source of the problem and order the right therapeutic path – pharmacological, behavioural, physiotherapeutic, or associated with treating the conditions and defects responsible for the occurrence of premature ejaculation.

Thus, premature ejaculation can be treated by a sexologist alone using available sex related drugs or the doctor can refer the patient to other specialists. In most cases:

  • psychotherapist – a psychology specialist working within the cognitive and behavioural area, who should be able to diagnose and manage the psychological mechanisms giving rise to the problem and then – together with the patient – work on completely new patterns of behaviour.

  • physiotherapist – premature ejaculation can result from anatomical defects, weakened or excessively tightened muscles, especially within the pelvis region, as well as related neurological disorders. Exercises to be performed in this case (e.g. the Kegel muscles) are relatively difficult and, in addition, very subtle. It is worth doing them under supervision or at least after hearing instructions from a specialist.

  • Urologist, neurologist, diabetologist, endocrinologist, psychiatrist, and many different doctors – if premature ejaculation is caused by a disease and is not directly associated with the human sexual sphere.

How to delay ejaculation – a sexologist will explain everything

Regardless of whether the sexologist will treat the patient by themselves or will refer the patient to different specialists, the sexologist is required to make a diagnosis and outline the choice of adequate treatment paths.

During the visit at the doctor’s, do not be afraid to ask questions – you can put it straight: how to delay ejaculation, how to reduce arousal, etc. The basic methods of treating premature ejaculation include:

  • pharmacological treatment, including serotonin reuptake inhibitors (especially dapoxetine) and phosphodiesterase inhibitors (sildenafil, wardenafil, and tadalafil);

  • psychotherapy, which neutralizes traumatic past events, helps regain the control over one’s own body (including the arousal and ejaculation mechanisms), and improves self-esteem and relations between partners;

  • behavioural techniques – for example, the start-stop method, involving exercises in which you bring yourself on the verge of an orgasm and try to prevent ejaculation (through masturbation, individually or with the partner), or the pressure technique (squeezing the glans penis before an orgasm to prevent ejaculation);

  • exercises of the Kegel muscles and other body parts;

  • building (or rebuilding) the right relations with the sexual partner based on warmth, trust, and acceptance.

Premature ejaculation – online advice

For patients struggling with the problem of premature ejaculation, the development of telemedical service sector presents an ideal solution. The existence of online healthcare clinics allows:

  • fast consultation regarding a health problem without leaving your home;

  • obtaining a drug prescription;

  • reducing treatment costs (“virtual visits” are less expensive);

  • eliminating the embarrassment factor, which effectively discourages from consulting a doctor in person.

This form will prove ideal if premature ejaculation treatment requires pharmacological measures (especially for prescription renewal).

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